Off The Wall Co. announced today that it has launched a new Website for its retail design and decor fabrication company in Telford, Pennsylvania. The newly revamped site is mainly visual and offers quick and easy access to essential information and features about the Company's innovative approach to retail environments. The Website will also feature frequent articles about work it is involved with and the industry in general, career opportunities with the company, and frequent updates to an upcoming section on case studies,
Off The Wall's revamped website has a clean uncluttered design, improved functionality and enhanced content focused on the Company's mission to plan, design, and construct effective retail environments. Blog posts and the selection of news posts will be inspired by the one-stop philosophy that has guided the Company's growth for forty years now.
"Regular features on Off The Wall's new Website will focus on the projects being developed in our factory as well as the creative dynamics that exist between our clients, our design team, and our engineers," says Hillary Gray, owner of the Company.
Matt Wood, President of Off The Wall says the new website will be updated on a regular basis with industry articles, news of product launches, business activity, corporate milestones, events, and career opportunities.
Visitors are encouraged to explore the website and contact the company to explore opportunities to revamp their own retail environments.
Find Off The Wall online here: