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Structural Signage

Typically we think of signs as two-dimensional graphics affixed flat to a wall.

The first signs, though, were three-dimensional representations of a trade or of what was being sold. For better visiblity, they extended out from a wall they were attached to. Think of the three balls pawnbrokers used and the red and white striped barber's pole.

As people became more literate and vehicles began filling streets, large overhanging signs became dangerous. So smaller signs had to be used and they needed to be more verbally descriptive. As early as 1650, laws were passed that signs had to be affixed flat against a wall.

Supermarket aisles are like these busy narrow streets, so aisle markers are entirely verbal, flat, and high up overhead.

But along the perimeter of stores, it's more of a renaissance fair. Graphics abound, and decor can be attention-grabbing by becoming three-dimensional again.

Much of the three-dimensional decor Off The Wall designs and fabricates or simply fabricates and installs is structurally massive. But it doesn't have to be as heavy and expensive as it looks.

Off The Wall carefully engineers every structure that it builds, not only for safety and durability but for value.

We can take any idea and optimize it for how it looks and what it costs to build and to install.

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